The bonus 7" was very warmly welcomed in fact, as the postage was ridiculous! It arrived super-fast though so maybe it was some sort of special delivery. You might be able to get the 10" from Tonevendor too, if they get more copies in. But they're only selling the blue version!. Or, in case you're not a vinyl fetischist, just hold on for the complete retrospective (i.e. also including the Garage Sale EP) on Clairecords, which is run by former BS members. Estelle now plays in a duo called Elephant Parade, and prior to joining BS she was in Crush 22 together with drummer Joshua. Their song "Wrap Around" is in the sidebar.
In other Clairecords news, the Tears Run Rings debut album Always, Sometimes, Seldom, Never is just out and it's truly brilliant. It's one of the best shoegaze records I've heard. The band includes members of Evening Lights and The Autocollants and first appeared on the scene last year with an ep on Swedish Lavender Recordings (split with Disaster Club Records in the US, to be exact).
EDIT: I just found Crush 22's Myspace page, from where you can download four of their demos!
Hullo. If my cloudy brain is correct Brittle Stars was actually run by a guy who was on the indiepoplist a while back called William Eastman. If was in BS, though, just ignore this old fool!
BS released that CLASSIC 7" by The Waves "Does Anyone Ever Stop Someone" that I put on a cd for you a while back. That BS reissue is divine! I'm not sure I can justify the expense but, boy, am I tempted!
you're right, i just thought i read that somewhere, but it seems the label was DC-based.
Actually, I hate the packaging on that Brittle Stars reissue! I felt chuffed to have my tiny picture on the sleeve of the original. Now me and the other cover 'stars' have been cruelly cast aside. On lonely nights I used to dream that some pop dreamgirl would see my tiny photo and search me out and declare undying love to me but it never happened. I will never find love now because I've been taken out of the shop window. If I see your copy I'll burn it! :)
Brogues, don't burn it. Buy your own. These small indie labels need the cash.
you're just scared of the competition from wee gregory there!
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