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Eight Metric Miles High
Speaking of The Metric Mile, it pays to visit your favourite bands' Myspace! I recently saw that The Metric Mile released a new ep in November, called Trade Fours, following up last year's brilliant "In Praise of Ski Jumpers" single. This time it is just a digital release, but these four songs are more than worth a visit to your nearest digital store. The duo/group have proved an uncanny ability to follow up their original masterpiece How to Beat the SAT indefinitely. That ep was probably the best thing Unpopular released, and as close to The Wake anyone has ever got. Their self-released 7" from 2008 held two songs that were ever bit as good. And now, "The Difference Is" and "Legion" would easily have placed this ep on my end-of-year list had I only discovered it sooner! Plus points for the brilliant title "Tell Me In a Taxi" and the tasteful little 12-string solo in the opening track.
それでは参加者の紹介です。今回は総勢30名の参加でした。にさ~ん180氏 鶯谷をこよなく愛する鶯谷事務所長(自称)。台北風俗今回も2日前から東京に入り、単身調査を行うなど、鶯谷事務所長として恥じない活躍をしておりました。当会のまとめ役として、今回もその力を発揮していました!来年も3ヶ月に1回 鶯谷に出没するでしょう!SeeD氏 カムバック賞。古い大物会員ですが、今年、ちょこちょことレポを上げて見事復活を果たしました。店舗型マッサージニコル氏 当日は古い会員、中堅会員、新人会員 皆からの呼ばれ方が違っていたのですが
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